#86894 / viewed 9451 timesEnglish-Arabic this cartoon has been published many months ago in Jordanian press allewa' For me It is too difficult to be Translated because of the playing on Arabic words!
The cartoon make a Historical link, between the discoverers of the Circulatory System:( the Arabic discoverer Ibn al-Nafis. the English discoverer (Harvey) On one hand and the Inventor of 'Lifeline' the English Galloway, On other hand… While Arabic man (the son of Satan) Cut the artery 'Lifeline'.!!!!!
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Ridha Ridha, on June 19, 2010 report post reply applause 0
Peter Russel, on June 09, 2010 report post reply applause 0
more explation : the historical arabic caled 'son of nafees'
while recent arab is sun of eblees!(satan)!
l think that can helb..!!
samir alramahi, on June 09, 2010 report post reply applause 0
samir alramahi, on June 09, 2010 report post reply applause 0
Peter Russel, on June 09, 2010 report post reply applause 0
I understand that impressive.
historical materialism.
adimizi, on June 09, 2010 report post reply applause 0