Griechenland ohne Schirm
#319749 / viewed 3109 timesGriechenland ohne Schirme
Politics » International Finances Economy & Money Jobs & Social Other
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The EU reiterated its surveillance system from colonial times and even in the worst possible form.
The ESM was why?
Is to make a colonial-type countries within the European Union, as now attempted to do in Greece.
nternational markets generate fictitious money, creating money from nothing and get the real economy of each country.
With the loan he took Tsipras from tov ESM with the consent and the opposition (the good guys Merkel and European Union) to pay on loans, and not for the needs of the real economy, put a lien on public property for 99 years, which means that from now on, and until 2047,
whenever the State is unable to meet its obligations and pay any installment to the ESM, will come Superfund and act as if he is the principal debtor.
Not to mention 350000 migrant youths, suicides, and the homeless, and rising unemployment.
The fascist economic neoliberalism of Milton Friedman is applied in Greece.
Indeed, which Europe we want, history has proven that the powerful can become impossible tomorrow.
Europe belongs to all of us, to all nations, to the north and to the south, and we have to coexist democratically and beloved, creating culture, is what will be left for the new generations.
Whether the Greeks are lazy can find it going for a walk in the country.
vasilis dagres, on August 22, 2018 report post reply applause 0
Ohne Schirm, Charme und Melone.
Paolo Calleri, on August 21, 2018 report post reply applause 0
JotKa, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
Erl, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
RABE, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
Barthold, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
marian kamensky, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
Andreas Prüstel, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0
Pfohlmann, on August 20, 2018 report post reply applause 0