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Comments (7)
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DQ-site against stern.de
where the results had been decided
by limitless number of votes.
The campaign sounded in success in a very short time,
In spite of Stern.de's silent about their ''technical problems.''
Toon Pool in order to (at least partly)
make up for the things that went wrong
decided to have an additional staff-jury.
They say that the new second results will be announced
on Friday, September 25, 2009.
Winners will receive some gift and their work will be
displayed on ToonPool.com front page.
Dq's campaign was a protest against use of cartoon
art without considering any responsibility.
Our campaign was heard successfully.
We thank Toon Pool administrator our colleagues
Bernd Pohlenz for his understanding,
his ability without hesitation to go a step back,
to apologize and take initiative for a new vote and
for his respect to Cartoon Art.
Bilindigi gibi „Toonpool&Stern.de“ isbirligiyle
düzenlenen yarismada internet üzerinden sinirsizca
oy kullanabilecegi bir oylamayi kontrol edemeyen
Stern.de'ye karsi Don Kisot olarak bir kampanya baslatmistik.
''Teknik sorunlar“ hakkinda sessiz kalmayi surduren
Stern.de'ye ragmen kampanya kisa bir surede
basari kazandi ve yanlislari en azindan kendi adina
duzeltecegini soyleyen ToonPool,
yeni bir oylama yapacagini duyurdu.
Yeni sonuclar 25 Eylül 2009'da yayinlanacak.
Kazananlara ödülleri verilecek ve cizgileri ToonPool'un
birinci sayfasinda sunulacak.
Don Kisot tarafindan baslatilan kampanya,
Karikatur sanatinin sorumsuzca kullanilmasini
protesto eder nitelikteydi.
Kampanyamiz basari ile ses verdi.
Toon Poool yoneticisi meslektasimiz Bernd Pohlenz'in
anlayisina ve yeni bir girisimi hayata gecirdigi icin
kendisine tesekkur ediyoruz.
Don Quichotte
donquichotte, on September 22, 2009 report post reply applause 0
BenHeine, on September 22, 2009 report post reply applause 0
menekse cam, on September 21, 2009 report post reply applause 0
We do not criticize you personal.
Don´t understand us wrong.
Our issue is with the stern.de administrators.
They knew the technical problem. And that they did it consciously.
Our anticipation was that you would give the price back because of the fact.
Unfortunately you are not willing to do this.
Wherever there is an injustice for our artform, we are there.
As a consequence we can not celebrate your win.
Erdogan Karayel
donquichotte, on September 20, 2009 report post reply applause 0
as with every contest there will be controversial discussions about the results.
Be it a jury or a public voting, every participant in the contest feels he was not correctly judged. I participated in many contests and I have to admit, sometimes the result of a professional jury didn't convince me at all. Sometimes I felt there were better works than mine and often I realised the jury selected things which were (in my eyes) much worse. Very often I feel today a strong "resentiment" against work which is done digitally vs. handdrawn sketches on paper. The time they are changing. It is the subject and and not the handcrafting of a cartoon which counts.
I didn't cheat at all and I had for many days a stable position on place one.
To make this an international scandal is a bit high up in the clouds.
I feel to be the winner and I will accept the price.
There are nice handcrafted caricatures of Steinmeier and Merkel in the contest, but I think that my subject with the earrings was honoured by the voters.
As well the Germany relevant subjects chosen by the winners of place two and three. They are established cartoonists with a list of publications in German Satirical Newspapers.
Best regards
This was a political contest, not a contest for fine art.
Sometimes a cartoon is gainig its value only from speech-bubbles.
Dadaphil, on September 20, 2009 report post reply applause 0
Die vom Karikaturisten Berndt Pohlenz ins Leben gerufene internationale Karikaturenplattform „ toonpool.com“ hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Newsportal „stern.de“ anlässlich der anstehenden Bundestagswahl einen Karikaturenwettbewerb mit dem Thema „Angela Merkel – Frank-Walter Steinmeier“ initiiert. Was als interessanter Wettstreit von weltweit renommierten Künstlern startete endete nun im Eklat, als die Manipulationsvorwürfe immer lauter wurden.
Über mehrere Wochen konnten die Leser von „stern.de“ ihre Stimme einer der 134 im Wettbewerb gestarteten Arbeiten beobachten. Resultierend aus einem technischen Fehler war es den Lesern jedoch möglich statt einer Stimme, hunderte Stimmen nacheinander abzugeben. Statt das technische Problem zu beheben, haben die Veranstalter sich in Schweigen gehüllt und die mit einer utopischen Anzahl an Stimmen führenden Werke zu den Siegern des Wettbewerbs erklärt.
Der daraus entstandene Imageschaden für „Toonpool.com“ ist enorm. Resultierend aus der Tatsache, das „stern.de“ den von ihnen gemachten Fehler weder korrigiert, noch die Ergebnisse des Wettbewerbs revidiert hat, fordern wir sie auf das Ergebnis für ungültig zu erklären.
Des weiteren sind wir überzeugt davon, dass die Vergabe der ersten drei Plätzen an ausschließlich deutsche Künstler, wobei zwei mit Sprechblasen gearbeitet haben, dem internationalen Ansehen Berndt Pohlenz, sowie seiner Plattform „Toonpool.com“ erheblichen Schaden zugefügt hat.
Hiermit fordern wir alle Karikaturisten dazu auf, den „stern.de“ zu boykottieren.
Hayati, on September 20, 2009 report post reply applause 0
One of the most important drawns of the Germany, Bernd Pohlenz who realized “toonpool.com” cartoon site and a special endeavored for be an international platform . The international cartoon competition with theme “Angela Merkel - Frank-Walter Steinmeier" has resulted with scandal which be created jointly toonpool.com and stern.de.
133 cartoons have published at stern.de for weeks that were selected from among hundreds of cartoons and was presented to votes of readers. But all users have entitled hundreds of votes, due to a technical error. The administrators of the system have declared at the first three, selected the cartoons with unfair votes, instead to resolve this technical error.
We condemn "stern.de" severely and call to cancel the announced results. We also call the award winners not to accept prizes for will not be spiritual gain.
Also, we call all drawns to protest "stern.de" against this preposterous result.
Don Quichotte
donquichotte, on September 20, 2009 report post reply applause 0