#92284 / viewed 9442 times******************************
1. Computer colorated
2. Watercolors on copy paper, 21 x 29,5 cm. (not successful!)
****************************** Mihai Eminescu (Romanian born Mihail Eminovici; January 15, 1850 – June 15, 1889) was a Romantic poet, novelist and journalist, often regarded as the most famous and influential Romanian poet.
> "The Lake" (1876)
Water lilies load all over
The blue lake amid the woods,
That imparts, while in white circles
Startling, to a boat its moods.
And along the strands I'm passing
Listening, waiting, in unrest,
That she from the reeds may issue
And fall, gently, on my breast;
That we may jump in the little
Boat, while water's voices whelm
All our feelings; that enchanted
I may drop my oars and helm;
That all charmed we may be floating
While moon's kindly light surrounds
Us, winds cause the reeds to rustle
And the waving water sounds.
But she does not come; abandoned,
Vainly I endure and sigh
Lonely, as the water lilies
On the blue lake ever lie.
> "Lacul" (1876)
Lacul codrilor albastru
Nuferi galbeni îl încarcă;
Tresărind în cercuri albe
El cutremură o barcă.
Şi eu trec de-a lung de maluri,
Parc-ascult şi parc-aştept
Ea din trestii să răsară
Şi să-mi cadă lin pe piept;
Să sărim în luntrea mică,
Îngânaţi de glas de ape,
Şi să scap din mână cârma,
Şi lopeţile să-mi scape;
Să plutim cuprinşi de farmec
Sub lumina blândei lune -
Vântu-n trestii lin foşnească,
Unduioasa apă sune!
Dar nu vine... Singuratic
În zadar suspin şi sufăr
Lângă lacul cel albastru
Încărcat cu flori de nufăr.
Comments (19)
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samir alramahi, on August 21, 2010 report post reply applause 0
lidia, on August 14, 2010 report post reply applause 0
thank you for sharing friend.
Bern, on August 13, 2010 report post reply applause 0
edda von sinnen, on August 06, 2010 report post reply applause 0
RnRicco, on August 04, 2010 report post reply applause 0
Hezz, on August 04, 2010 report post reply applause 0
jan :)
cabap, on July 28, 2010 report post reply applause 0
llumetis, on July 27, 2010 report post reply applause 0
MoArt Rotterdam, on July 27, 2010 report post reply applause 0
HAMED NABAHAT, on July 26, 2010 report post reply applause 0
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