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#175896 / viewed 4270 timesfrom calcamunguía´s series
Politics » National/Domestic International Elections Finances Economy & Money Historical Politicians Parties Privacy & Customer Democracy
from calcamunguía´s series
Politics » National/Domestic International Elections Finances Economy & Money Historical Politicians Parties Privacy & Customer Democracy
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Comments (1)
I invite you and your friends to take part in a competition of cartoons!
Subject fun: …about drains...sewerage!
Deadline – 15/09/2012
The list of competitors and other information you can find at
The works should be sent in a paper (A4) or electronic version in jpg in the highest quality. The top size of one work is 10 Mb.
One can send the competition works to: [email protected]
or 614060, г. Пермь, ул. Фрезеровщиков, 50, «Конкурс карикатур»
Prize money of the competition:
-1st place – 20 000 rub;
-2nd place – 15 000 rub;
-3rd place – 10 000 rub;
(VAT 13 %)
Waiting for your cartoons!!!
mitya_kononov, on August 14, 2012 report post reply applause 0